Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's basically a way in which we get to show off the lovely new goodies we got over the past week/month however you decide to do it.
For Review:
Center Ice (Corrigan Falls Raiders #1) by Cate Cameron
Rules of Seduction (Serve #7) by Joya Ryan
First of all thanks to Entangled Publishing for both of these. But second and most importantly... I've been following the Serves series since the beginning. Tessa Bailey and Katee Robert have done an amazing job with (almost) every story so far (there was only one I wasn't a huge fan of.) As I was skimming the blurbs for the available review books I got to Rules of Seduction and the word Serve popped out at me and I was excited because what I've wanted, ever since he was first mentioned in previous books, was a book for Nolan. I don't know what it was about him that has me so freaking intrigued but he just does. And then when I really started to pay attention I realized that one of my absolute favorite author's name was on the cover...Well, I felt a little like this:
Me? Excited? Um...Understatement ;)
Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe #1) by Rosamund Hodge
Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley
The Mistake (Off-Campus #2) by Elle Kennedy
Alex (Cold Fury Hockey #1) by Sawyer Bennett
Garrett (Cold Fury Hockey #2) by Sawyer Bennett
I've seemed to have gotten myself really into sports related romances lately. And there's also been a very constant hockey theme. Which I didn't think I would love but turns out I kind of do. Plus how can one resist covers like that? I mean, really?
Haunted Love by Jessica Frances
I saw a review for this one on Tonyalee's After Hours at Lilybloomblooks and I was interested in the book just from reading the blurb, but then to see all the positive things she had to say about it I figured I needed to add this one to my Kindle right away!
So...sorry about the GIFsplosion up there but I had feelings to express and you know what they say. A picture is worth a thousand words. Haha! Anyway. That's my little haul for this week. What have you added to your shelves lately? :)