Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekly Haul #57

Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's basically a way in which we get to show off the lovely new goodies we got over the past week/month however you decide to do it.

You're lucky. It's 4am I can't fall back asleep and so I decided to throw this post together. Therefore it won't be full of my usual droning on and on and on. Maybe I should do them tired more often eh? I didn't actually go bananas this is stuff that has been sitting around for a few weeks and I just haven't gotten around to posting them yet. Enough small talk. Let's get to it eh?

(Click the covers to go to their Goodreads pages)

For Review: 

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Kissing Mr. Wrong by Kerri Carpenter - Thanks Entangled!


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Those Girls by Lauren Saft


Trouble From the Start by Rachel Hawthorne

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Chase Me | Need Me (Broke and Beautiful #1 & #2)
Risking It All (Crossing the Line #1)
by Tessa Bailey

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The Game Plan | Double Dare (Neighbor From Hell #5 & #6) by R.L. Mathewson

Sweet Thing (Sweet Thing #1) by Renee Carlino

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Pocketful of Sand by M. Leighton

Marrow by Tarryn Fisher

Tucked Away by Jennie Marts

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InterWorld (InterWorld #1) by Neil Gaiman & Michael Reaves

Play it Safe by Kristen Ashley

Fall From Grace (Mad World #1) by Christine Zolendz

That's it! My brain is so tired it can't even think of anything else to say about all this haha. Well I hope everyone had a great week and may your Mondays suck less than a Monday normally sucks. (Wow...I should just go now haha)