Friday, December 5, 2014

REVIEW: 'Tis The Season To Be Kissed by Amy Andrews

Title/Series: 'Tis The Season To Be Kissed
Author: Amy Andrews
Publisher: Entangled Indulgence
Published: November 15th 2013
Format: eBook | Pages: 55
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Source: Amazon
★★★★★ (5/5) Stars!!!

Amy Andrews | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

A down-on-her-romantic-luck kindergarten teacher plans to drown her New Year’s Eve sorrows in a gallon of spiked eggnog, but the arrival of her best friend's sexy brother threatens to melt the snow piling up outside the tiny Vermont cabin.

If I hadn't already instantly added Amy Andrews to my auto-buy authors list with the first book of hers that I read, No More Mr. Nice Guy, than this sexy, fun filled novella would have done the trick. I don't know how it's possible but I've fallen more in love with her writing style and her humor.
"It was just the rum talking. It gives me this...temporary insanity...kind of like Tourette's. It's not pretty."
Meeting Tamara is hilarious because that spiked eggnog mentioned in the summary is already mostly gone by the start of the book. So needless to say she was feeling no pain. And she's the type of drunk that I always ended up being, funny and running at the mouth. I loved her right away, she was definitely someone I could see myself being friends with. She's had really bad luck in the relationship department and has sworn off anything meaningless in the future. Which is why she's locked herself away in her friend Georgia's cabin for New Year's Eve.
So what if his faded jeans clung to legs that could tempt a perfectly good girl to turn bad?
Luke was all kinds of sexy. The kind of sexy that you pray you get stuck, snowed in a cabin with. Sigh. Oh right. Review! Imagination got the best of me. Anyway, Luke is sweet and funny and all around adorable. He's instantly attracted to Tamara and makes plans of his own to break through Tamara's rules and show her how good they could be. I adore the way he goes about it. Trust me he won me over instantly.
"You have the gift of fire, oh wizard."
For such a short book it sure was filled with lots of humor and passion and heat. Normally I attempt to stay clear of novellas unless they're part of a series or something because the curse of the novella is usually insta-love. The bane of most of our existences. Deep down I just knew though that Amy Andrews wouldn't do something like that to us and thankfully I was right. There are no declarations of love and forever at the end of this story. Just this feeling that what these two shared was the start of something wonderful.
She laughed. "You have an m stuck to your butt."
'Tis The Season To Be Kissed was the perfect quick and light read. If you want a quick does of passion and sweetness without being stuck with all the angst and drama this is the novella for you! Especially for the scrabble game alone. ;)