Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #50

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke andthe Bookish!

This week's topic is...

Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have
(Fun or Serious)

I had a bit of fun this week. Some of my answers are serious and some of them are sort of just silly. But overall I really did have fun with this one. Let's talk bookish problems shall we?

Boys are better in books...

It's true though isn't it? I mean the guys that we swoon over as we flip through the pages aren't exactly perfect all the time. Sometimes they are filled with problems. But the thing is at some point, they all learn to do and say just the right thing to make us all sigh and think, "Why can't I find a guy like that in real life?" Book boyfriends can really ruin your love life.

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Too many books, too little time...

I won't even tell you the number of books that I own, both physical and digital. It's sort of embarrassing and ridiculous. Let's just say that without buying any other books from this post on, I could quite easily have something to read for quite a number of years into the future. When on earth am I going to find time to read everything? I'd need a time turner to make it happen. Seriously, someone get on inventing one of those. Or a TARDIS. I'd very much like either one or even both of them.

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I wish I could quit you...

There are times when I will push myself, and push myself to finish a book all in hopes that eventually it will get better. Sometimes I just don't know when to call it quits and I end up getting mad at myself for pushing it. When in all reality because of #2 (above) I should be spending that time on something I'd probably enjoy more! I need to learn how to just say enough.

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What do you mean you don't read?

There's usually a really big disconnect between bookish people and people who just don't read. They don't understand how we can do it so much, and we don't understand how on earth they can't do it at all. There's nothing like being around or talking to one of your bookish friends and making a book related reference and they get it and all of the bonding and book loving ensues. Whereas you're non-reader friends just look at you like, "What...?"

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I don't have a problem...

Let's face it. Buying books can be just as bad of an addiction as smoking or drinking can be. We're just as bad as junkies and addicts. We'll scrap together that last bit of money we have just to get our hands on that next fix. Don't even get me started on the discovery of Book Outlet! I have full bookshelves plus piles and piles on top of that of books without a permanent place to live...yet. Of course instead of cutting back, which don't get me wrong I have done that as well, but I'm instead doing things like...buying another bookshelf. But I could quit anytime! Really I could! It's not a problem...*cough*

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Hollywood ruins everything...

You know how many movie adaptations of books I have watched where, if I hadn't read the book before hand, I'd probably have ended up loving the movie? Too many to count. At first when I hear that a book I've loved is going to be made into a movie I squee and get excited and then moments later the dread sets in because, for the most part, I always end up mad and hate how much they've changed from my beloved book! So books have ruined movies for me. There are some exceptions to this. Movies that even though they're different from the books either slightly or quite a bit, it doesn't matter because my love for both remains. This is a very, very rare occurrence though.

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I'm so hungover...

There is nothing like finding a book that grabs hold of your very soul. Nothing in the world! Until you're finished and the book hangover sets in. That empty feeling, as if you've lost someone close to you. The thought of touching another book and moving on just seems ridiculous and you don't know how you ever will again. It's both the best and worst feeling ever. Until the next one hits and you do it all over again.

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I want to go there...

Fantasy is one of my all time favorite genres. Generally the settings are all fictional and don't exist. But I really want to go there!! I'd love to go to Middle Earth or Hogwarts or St. Vladimir's. It's sometimes really sad that we can't just take a vacation and visit some of the bookish settings that we grow to love so much. Reality sucks sometimes.

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To quote River Song, "Spoilers..."

Both trying to avoid seeing them, or even trying not to give them when you write a review. Or if you just read a really good book and all you want to do is tell someone the one part that you know will probably make them run out and grab it immediately so that you can wallow in it's brilliance together. Spoilers are a a bitch to avoid and sometimes they are unavoidable and slip by your defenses no matter how hard you try.

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What's all the hype about?

I will admit that there are times when I immediately give in to the hype but for the most part when there's a huge amount of hype surrounding a book I tend to turn and run the other way. Part of it's the expectations. I mean if everyone is filling your head with these unbelievable expectations, it's really hard for a book to end up living up to all that hype. Another part of it is I hate being that one person, when everyone else is like "OMGTHISBOOKISSOGOOD AHDSFJHKSDJ!!!" And you're like "Meh....it was....alright" I hate hype. I'd rather go into a book clear and fresh. Which is why most of the time when I move on from the first book in a series I enjoyed, I will avoid reading even the blurb of the rest of them. I don't want to know what to expect. I want to be surprised!

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There you have it! Just a few of my book related problems. Do you have a problem with any of these things? What are some problems YOU have?


  1. Yes. To pretty much all of these! Hangovers are the worst, boys ARE better in books, and there is never enough time! I hate the hype monster! I see people hating on books I have to review and I try not to let myself get dragged down because I know I need to make the last decision and I don't want to feel influenced.

  2. Oh yes, I don't get people who don't read AT ALL. Like how? what? Reading is life!!! How else do they stimulate their imagination and mind? I only have a couple of friends that read :(

    Check out my list of bookish problems here! :)

  3. Lisa @ Captivated ReaderFebruary 17, 2015 at 11:40 AM

    I can relate to most of your book related problems!!! Here's a link to my TTT for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/02/top-ten-tuesday-ten-book-related.html

  4. Lauren @ Books, Tea & MeFebruary 17, 2015 at 2:03 PM

    Oh man, I can relate to so many of these. I don't have an issue with quitting books if I'm not into them, but I do feel guilty, especially if lots of people I know loved it and I'm the odd one out. I feel bad for not getting it. However, I definitely get a bad case of wanderlust when I read a book set in another country. I just read the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy and now I just want to go to Prague even more now. It's terrible!
    Fantastic list! And also, great blog - I'm going to follow you now :)
