Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ARC REVIEW: Hunter of Her Heart (Wolfe Creek #2) by Kaylie Newell

Title: Hunter of Her Heart
Series: Wolfe Creek #2
Author: Kaylie Newell
Publisher: Entangled Covet
Published: June 23rd 2015
Format: eARC | Pages: 173
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Source: Publisher
★★★★ (4/5) Stars!

Bad boy Zane Wolfe has always been wild and reckless. Even though he’s hot for his high school sweetheart, Candi Brooks, settling down has never been in his plans. Beyond that, he’s changing in strange ways—and begins to wonder if there's truth to the local folklore that claims his family is cursed to be werewolves...

There's never been a time when waitress Candi didn't have a serious weakness for Zane and his intense, dark sex appeal. She craves him. But after her life changes dramatically, and Zane won’t commit, Candi’s reached her limit. She can't wait forever...so she's taking her heart off the table before it gets good and broken.

Something mysterious is going on in Wolfe Creek, and danger stalks Candi. Zane will do anything he can to protect her. But the one person she needs protection from might just be him…

I received a copy of this book, from the publisher, in exchange for an honest review. In no way did this sway either my review or my rating!

I'm always so nervous about starting a new shifter/werewolf book or series. I love paranormal books but it always seems that the one creature from that genre that produces the most cringe-worthy books are the shifters. Every once in a while you come across a really good one. But let's be honest, most of the time they're either overdone, totally cheesy, or make up for a lack of content and quality with an overabundance of sex. Because we all know that sex fixes all plot holes... Luckily, Hunter of Her Heart, had none of those issues. It was intriguing, exciting, filled with tension and danger, steamy and so much more. In fact, immediately upon finishing I went straight to Amazon to get the first book in the series! I'm very much looking forward to going back and reading Koda's story.

The lore revolving around Wolfe Creek and the Wolfe family was great. I'm enjoying how that's playing out in the story. It's like this legend, this scary story you tell each other or your kids growing up that seems to be just that. A legend. Until it affects you and then it's like surprise...those stories are real. It was so nice though to have that small tiny twist on most shifter stories. Where normally they change and are this uncontrollable creature who wouldn't know friend from foe and they go on a slaughter spree. This one isn't at all like that. And I won't say much else because it was a very pleasant surprise for me.

The really liked the characters of Zane and Candi instantly. They're relationship was as sweet and swoon worthy as it was incredibly frustrating. But that good kind of frustrating. The kind that's so full of angst and the bittersweet.  There was never a time where I didn't root for these two I just found myself constantly wanting to bonk their heads together and yell communicate!

Sure it was easy to immediately figure out where the danger that's stalking Candi is coming from. They were all surprised by it while I was thinking come on guys I figured this out back in chapter two! (Err...wherever he first appears.) That in no way took away any of the enjoyment I had reading this.

It's fun, it's interesting. it's different. The sexual situations or the alluding to such actually fit in with what's going on in story, it's not just pointless and fluffy. There's a bit of darkness and danger within it all as well. It kept me turning the pages as I perched on the edge of my seat that's for sure! If you like the paranormal/supernatural with the werewolves/shifters then I recommend giving this series a read. This one read perfectly fine as a standalone as I haven't read Lone Wolfe Protector yet. Though I can't fully guarantee that anything could've been missed in not starting there. Still I suggest giving this one a try!

Thanks to Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.