Monday, June 1, 2015

Monthly Recap #5 May 2015

I can't believe it's already June. Time is flying by way too fast, in so many ways. I mean, 2015 is basically at the halfway mark now. How did that happen? But even more mind boggling to me is the fact that in 6 days my baby boy is going to be 18. SIX DAYS! EIGHTEEN! And then just a handful of days after that he graduates! Sigh. I need to take up drinking. I'm just going to go sob quietly in the corner while you look over the rest of this post.

So here's what happened on the blog:
May 2015

What I read in May:

I reviewed:

Lola Carlyle's 12-Step Romance by Danielle Younge-Ullman
Kissing Mr. Wrong by Kerri Carpenter

Favorite Read of May:
I love it when series end leaving me happy and this one made me happy!

Least Favorite Read of May:
This romance for this one just didn't work for me.

Weekly Memes:

(Top Ten Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time)

Challenge Progress:

My series read for May:
This was such a good series. I completely blew off series last month and almost thought I was going to again this month but I had the first two books in this series from NetGalley and once I finished the first one you would have had to lock me up somewhere to get me not to finish the series. I highly recommend it!!

Checked 2 more of these off my list to bring me to 17/50. I'm okay with that for as hard as the list is!

I feel like I've read a lot more this month then I have in the last couple months. I've kind of been in this bookish funk. Even the books I was loving weren't holding my attention enough to read them very fast. Hopefully I've gotten my mojo back. So I hope everyone's had a great May! And I'll see you around the internet :D