Sunday, June 14, 2015

Weekly Haul #61

Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's basically a way in which we get to show off the lovely new goodies we got over the past week/month however you decide to do it.

Sigh. This month is just sad. Not only is my *baby* boy now 18 years old (last week). But now, by the time this posts, he is a high school graduate as well. AND when he graduates from aerospace tech school (this past Thursday) he also gets his forklift license. I mean, not that that is something major it's just that it's ONE MORE THING that makes him less my *baby* and more my *young adult*. Okay I promise I'm done whining. I'll get to the real reason you're here. The books!

(Click on the covers to go to their Goodreads pages)

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On My Knees (Stark International Trilogy #2) by J. Kenner
I absolutely loved the first book and I'm dying to find out what happens next! Thanks to InkSlinger Pr for the review copy! My stop on the blog tour is scheduled for June 23rd.

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Neighbors with Benefits (Anderson Brothers #2) by Marissa Clarke

Bridesmaid Blues by Boone Brux

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Bind Me Before You Go (Serve #8) by Harper Kincaid

The Perfect Bargain (How to Marry a Highlander #1) by Julia London
A huge thanks to Entangled Publishing for these last 4. Most especially Ellie who sent me temptation in the form of widgets for the top 2 books. If you've been around the blog very long then you may have noticed I'm kind of obsessed with the Serve series. I had forgotten to put in a request for Bind Me Before You Go and so when I got the email with the surprise widgets from Ellie I asked if it was too late and not only did she send me that but I got another surprise with The Perfect Bargain. She's such a good enabler. I adore that woman haha. Thanks Entangled and thanks Ellie!!!

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Six Years by Stephanie Witter
I'm not sure about this one but I'm very intrigued and at .99 cents I couldn't pass it up!

Lone Wolf Protector (Wolfe Creek #1) by Kaylie Newell
So Saturday night I finished my ARC of book 2 and HAD to get this one. I'm excited!!

So that's my week in books. What have you added to your shelves this week? :)