Sunday, June 7, 2015

Weekly Haul #60

Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's basically a way in which we get to show off the lovely new goodies we got over the past week/month however you decide to do it.

So I should just get this out of the way now.

Hi. My name is Sheri. And I'm an addict...

I may, or may not, have a few books in this haul...

*Cough* *Cough*

*tugs nervously at collar*

Um...Shall I just get to it then?

(Click on the covers to go to their Goodreads pages)

For Review:

 photo ExposingTheHeiress_zpstaoozpqc.jpg photo HunterOfHerHeart_zpseypsxguk.png

Exposing the Heiress (Once a Marine #3) by Jennifer Apodaca

Hunter of Her Heart (Wolfe Creek #2) by Kaylie Newell

 photo TheMarriageContract_zpsjfgovz3j.jpg photo SeducingTheBridesmaid_zpsts1tnpey.jpg photo TemptedByHisBestFriend_zpscoyylt5t.jpg

The Marriage Contract (The O'Malleys #1) by Katee Robert

Seducing the Bridesmaid (Wedding Dare #3) by Katee Robert

Tempted by His Best Friend by Cari Quinn

 photo HardAsItGets_zpsn2l6mgvg.jpg photo TrustTheFocus_zpsjbclhoqb.jpg photo TheWayWeFall_zpsj4fhtrr5.jpg

Hard as it Gets (Hard Ink #1) by Laura Kaye

Trust the Focus (In Focus #1) by Megan Erickson

The Way We Fall (The Story of Us #1) by Cassia Leo

 photo Vain_zpsxk1tepqr.jpg photo OnceUponAMasquerade_zpspoekmhlw.jpg photo NightAfterNight_zpsffdowonw.jpg

Vain (Seven Deadly #1) by Fisher Amelie

Once Upon a Masquerade by Tamara Hughes

Night After Night (Seductive Nights #1) by Lauren Blakely

 photo SecretsOfASummerNight_zpso0brlumr.jpg photo ItHappenedOneAutumn_zpsdals7cww.jpg photo DevilInWinter_zpstjnzffmo.jpg photo ScandalInSpring_zps1v4jo4sa.jpg

Secrets of a Summer Night | It Happened One Autumn | Devil in Winter | Scandal in Spring
(Wallflowers #1-4) by Lisa Kleypas

Hey! It's not as bad as it looks!? One of those was a freebie! So can you do me a favor? Can you just pretend like this is normal? I mean I don't need help or anything. I can quit anytime I want.... *looks around nervously* Um. I'm just gonna go....Yeah...

So what have you added to your shelves this week? :)