February was such a good month for me reading wise. For the first time ever I just about finished my entire monthly TBR goal. There was only one book out of the ten that I wanted to read that I did not finish. But I'll get to that and the reasons in just a sec. But first here's what my month looked like.
Plus some extras:
So I'm sure a lot of you are thinking, "Wait a minute. You didn't read what was probably the best book on your February TBR? You could've skipped those extra four and read Illuminae! You disappoint me..."
Hold on there Judgey McJudgerpants! I actually had plenty of time to finish Illuminae as well. When I started it in the middle of the month I got around 27% done but I got to a part where I realized that I was spoiled on something that is probably a bit minor but still large enough that it irritated me. And it's not like I was out searching for spoilers I simply opened Twitter one day and saw a status update. Sigh. I'll eventually get back to it. Maybe in a few months. But I was just too irked to move on at that point.
Total Read: 9/10 TBR + 4 Extras!
I am so in love with this book. The perfect blend of sweet, swoony angst! I ship Simon and Blue so hard!!
So this book started off great. I mean, the first 100 pages or so I was so invested and intrigued and just really into it! And then it just started to get...strange. Like not in a good way kind of strange. And then once that strangeness became obvious to me, other things started to jump out at me too. Like how freaking awkward and unnatural the dialogue was and how...I don't know. I'll just leave it at that. Still probably one of my most favorite book covers of all time. I just wish the inside matched the outside. :( Do not recommend....
So I'm stealing a tiny part of how Wendy from Book Scents formats her reading challenge section by adding her goals and progress. It won't look as pretty as her post but thanks for the inspiration Wendy!
Goal: At least 1 book each month that I've owned prior to 01/01/16
February Progress: 11 out of 13 books read
Books: Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess, Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda, The Rest of Us Just Live Here, Illusionarium, In Real Life, Jake Undone, Prick, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, When a Scot Ties the Knot
Goal: To complete a (mostly) unread series each month!
February Progress: The Infernal Devices. All 3 books were new to me!
Books: Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess (My new favorite series of all time!!!)
Goal: To be safe I'm aiming for Home Run (16-20 books) because I wanted to read more Fantasy, Paranormal and Sci-Fi this year. But I may be able to hit the Grand Slam goal of 21+ books!
February Progress: 5 this month
Books: Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda, Tied to Trouble, Strong Signal, Jake Undone, Prick
Total Progress: 8/20
Goal: Level 4 (Expert Series Reader) - Complete 7 or more series that you started previously but never finished.
February Progress: Nothing this month. The entire Infernal Devices series was new to me.
Total Progress: 1/7
Goal: There are 40 different types of books to read in this challenge. If I hit 30 I'll be happy and satisfied!
February Progress: Checked off a total of 7 (Click the image above to see a more detailed answer)
Total Progress: 11/40
So that was my February 2016 in...well I was gonna say in a nutshell but that did go on a bit long didn't it? How are you doing on your 2016 goals or just monthly goals in general? :)