Swoon Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by YABound!
Here's what you do:
From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.
This week's pick is from:
Scoring Wilder
by R.S. Grey
Scoring Wilder
by R.S. Grey
I tried to tone down how giddy I felt as I cuddled into his side and inhaled his masculine scent. Be cool, Kins. My fingers dragged across his chiseled abs, adoring every single contour. This is your life now. You are the person that sleeps next to this set of abs. Also, this set of abs is attached to a man that probably has some major neurological damage since out of all the models in the world, he's chosen you and your flat-ass.
"Hey, I like your ass. It's not flat," he said right after I realized that my internal monologue had actually been an external monologue. "Also, I'm more than just my abs."
"Of course you are babe. Of course you are."
Don't worry, abs. I'm actually here for you.
"Yeah, still out loud," he smiled pulling me into his side.
This entire book is one, huge swoonfest. I'm not exaggerating even slightly. Siiiigh. I was having a really hard time trying to decide what to use from Scoring Wilder but I figured I'd go with something that was really playful and cute. There's also quite a few of those types of moments as well. It's just an awesome book all around that I highly recommend for everyone!
What are you swooning over this week? :)