Author: Jenn Burke
Publisher: Entangled Covet
Published: January 26th 2015
Format: eARC | Pages: 200
Genre: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Source: Publisher
★★★ (3/5) Stars!
Jenn Burke | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
A paranormal category romance from Entangled's Covet imprint...
The most dangerous thing they could do is fall in love...
Callie Noble fled to Ottawa to escape danger. But she is far from safe. Overwhelmed by a strange new power she can't control, Callie is terrified and painfully incapacitated. Her only hope is to seek the help of the one man who broke her heart...
Derrick Llewellyn is one of the Sentinels charged with the protection of the city's mysterious secret. Seeing Callie again is a shock enough, but the electricity between them is stronger than ever. Still, loving another marked individual is forbidden, and Callie needs his help—not romantic complications.
But there are forces at work in the city, and Callie finds herself inexorably drawn into a world filled with danger and untold magics. A world where loving Derrick isn't just's the surest way to drive them both mad.
I received a copy of this book, from the publisher, in exchange for an honest review. In no way did this sway either my review or my rating.
I really wanted to like this book a lot more than I did. As it was I struggled with how to go about rating it or even what it was I would say about it. It actually didn't even spark my interest until about 100+ pages in, at which point it was finally becoming more clear and explained better how this magical world and the people within it worked. Once I started understanding that better I began to care what was going to happen next.
Both Callie and Derrick were interesting characters. It made it more interesting having one person who has known about and lived withing the magical community since childhood and then to contrast that with someone who doesn't realize what's happening to them and thinks there's no way magic could actually exist. It made for some interesting conflict and opportunities for them to be at odds about how things should be handled. One going on gut instincts and the other thinking they know everything. I felt like Callie and Derrick each portrayed those types of characters really well.
While I liked them both separately, as a couple I wasn't feeling it at all. Everything felt too forced and way too intense. The type of intensity that just didn't seem normal or healthy. Which, and I can't explain why due to spoilers, but in a sense I realize that's part of the whole forbidden thing. But I felt like it went above and beyond and it just didn't feel natural. I found that I was way more into the murders, the mystery and the magical aspect of it than I was about the romance. And that's...just normally not me. Usually I'm all about the kissing and the swooning and don't get me wrong there was plenty of it and it got steamy but as a couple I felt disconnected from Derrick and Callie. Hence the reason for my struggle with the rating.
Honestly the mysterious deaths and the danger were enough to keep me tuned in and drove me all the way to the end of the book. I highly enjoyed those, though I will say the killer's "weapon" of choice was...different. Regardless there was enough of all the good to make this book enjoyable and worth the read.
Thanks Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.