Sunday, January 4, 2015

Weekly Haul #41

Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's basically a way in which we get to show off the lovely new goodies we got over the past week/month however you decide to do it.

So if you saw my TTT this past week with the whole bookish/blogging resolutions I know that two of them were about not requesting review books and to buy less...While I do admit that I dropped the ball when it came to requesting review books BUT as for the whole buy less thing I really don't think this should count. What was I supposed to do just let gift cards from Christmas/birthday sit here untouched? Yeah I didn't think so either. There will be a bit more in another week or two as I'm still waiting on stuff from Book Outlet. *Sheepish grin* Shush...

(Click on the covers to go to their Goodreads pages)

For Review:

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Betting on Fate (Serve #4) by Katee Robert

Tempting the Pirate by Tamara Hughes

Impulse Control by Amanda Usen

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Some Like it Sizzling (A Perfect Recipe #3) by Robbie Terman

The Rules According to Gracie by Stefanie London

Her Sexy Sentinel by Jenn Burke

All of these thanks to Entangled Publishing!


Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles #1) by Gena Showalter

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1) by Michelle Hodkin

Snow Like Ashes (Snow Like Ashes #1) by Sara Raasch

Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1) by Danielle Paige

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Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher

The Pact by Karina Halle


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Operation Cinderella (Suddenly Cinderella #1) by Hope Tarr

I'm actually sort of mad at myself right now for doing what I swore I was going to back away from and getting all those review books because I have so many books I want to start right this second. Sigh. Time to get my behind in gear so I can!! What books have you added to your shelves recently?