Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekly Haul #42

Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's basically a way in which we get to show off the lovely new goodies we got over the past week/month however you decide to do it.

So I think Book Outlet has the potential to be my downfall when it comes to banning myself from buying books this year until I put a dent into the shelves upon shelves, both virtual and physical, of books that I already own. Like I said with my last post though I did have birthday and Christmas gift cards so this doesn't count 100% as "buying books"...


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Never Never (Never Never #1) by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Alienated (Alienated #1) by Melissa Landers
I'm so in love with this cover. Seriously I could just sit here and stare at it. Anyway! I'm super excited to read this one. There was this show that started last year that only survived one season, which totally bummed me out, called Star-Crossed that in a way feels close to this synopsis so I feel like this is going to be a series I'm going to love. 

So I made The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer my first read of 2015 and I wasn't even half way through it before I immediately went on to Amazon and bought these other 2 books in the series. It was so freaking good! I can't wait to get through the review books I have left so I can jump back in and see what happens next!!

(Book Outlet Haul)

Olivia Twisted by Vivi Barnes
Vivi Barnes has a book coming out beginning of next month that was beyond adorable and I'm a sucker for retellings of all sorts so I figured I'd give this one a try.

When I ordered these books the entire series was available and I was tempted to go ahead and get them all, however I've seen some very mixed reviews and I didn't want to take the chance when I could get other stuff I wanted. So...I'm hopeful but not expecting to be wowed just in case.

Breathe (Sea Breeze #1) by Abbi Glines
I love me a good Abbi Glines book. I was disappointed when I had ordered Breathe from Amazon because when it came in I ended up with the old cover. I'm not normally such a cover snob where I have to have everything matchy matchy but I absolutely LOVE the style of the covers pictured above so when I saw this one on Book Outlet I said screw it. I already have it but I had to have the pretty one. I think I need help...(see below)

Even though I haven't read the first book...yet, it's just one of those gut feelings I get that are never wrong. I know I'm going to love this series so how can I resist them at Book Outlet prices? Exactly!

Now I don't really know much about this series, or even this book for that matter, but a lot...a lot of people are raving about it and anxiously awaiting the next one so I'm highly intrigued!

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(Left is old, right is new. So pretty!)

Hopefully posts like these will be very rare for a good chunk of this year. I have way too many books already that I want to read. So what did you get this week? :)