Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #09

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

Our topic this week is...

Top Ten Words or Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy or Pick Up a Book

The Topics I Auto Pick Up:

1. Distopia

Not gonna lie. There are quite a few dystopian novels that I bought and/or requested arcs for strictly due to the fact that they were dystopian, no synopsis read. I am such a sucker for them. I love the worlds created, the fight for survival, never knowing who to trust or what to trust, and yes, sometimes even the death. It's a given, people are gonna die. Sometimes you like them. Sometimes  you're cheering on their demise. I just can't get enough.

2. Angels

I don't know what it is about angels that gets me in the feels department so easily. Is it the look? The fluffy, soft white wings and the heavenly good looks. Or is it the overall goodness of them? I really can't pinpoint it. I just love the idea of them.

3. Vampires

Not all of them sparkle you know. But to give my full reasoning for the vampire attraction would be to reveal way too much of the inner workings of my mind. So we'll just leave it at....vampires.

4. Ink

Oh my. Tattooed up boys, especially bad ones, are extremely sexy. I see a cover with a guy covered in ink I want to get my hands on it and see what it has to offer instantly!

5. The Boy/Girl Next Door Syndrome

There's something endearingly sweet and sigh worthy to me about the thought of a boy climbing up a tree tapping on the girls window. Even if I've heard it happen before in Book-A, I can't wait to run out and get Book-B and read it happening again. Best example so far: Jase and Samantha in My Life Next Door. :)

The Words I Auto Pick Up:

6.  "Dark"

Bright, happy, cheerful isn't always the attraction. Sometimes I need something a little bit dark. Something that really makes me think or blows my mind.

7. "Beautiful"

How can you not want to read something that tells you it's beautiful on the cover? Okay,  yeah I know that's not how it really is but for some reason I see that word and I have to take a look at it. I have at least 5 books that I can physically see on my shelf and desk that have the word Beautiful in the title. It's a pattern I'm thinking.

8. "Dare"

The possibilities are so wonderful here. You could get into some pretty juicy subjects with that dangerous little word. ;)

9. "Die", "Death", "Dead"

Pretty much any form or tense of the word "Die". I'm usually hoping for some sort of a mind fuck with this one. (Excuse the language it just sort of popped out and now I can't erase it) I want heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, mind blowing twists and turns. And on the other hand maybe I'll find a great new paranormal. The possibilities are endless!

10. "Rock"

I sort of debated where to put this one. It can fit in both "Word" and "Topic" section. There's quite a trend with rocker bad boys and I, for one, love it.

Honorable Mentions:
Modern Day Retelling (Fairy-tales)

So there we have it. Kind of an odd selection there but it was probably my hardest Top Ten I've done yet.  What sort of things make you pick up or buy a book straight away?